Specialized Services

customized administrative services

Specialized Services Built for You

Stelios Payroll works hard to provide everything you need to relieve the time taken and stress of administrative work, and help you get back to doing what matters most for your business.

Every business is unique, we pride ourselves on getting to know the ins and outs of what your business needs to thrive. Though we offer many standard services that help a wide of array of businesses, we also offer specific specialized services tailor-made for you.

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How We Help

Audit Assistance

Audit assistance for workers’ compensation, unemployment, and separations

Online Scheduling

Creation, updates and review of legally binding employee handbooks and agreements

Benefit Management

Benefit and performance management, and advising on employee incentive plans

HR & Payroll Training

HR and Payroll staff training and advising, done in-house or via remote video conferencing

Hiring Advising

Advising on creating new hire processes

We're Here to Help!

At Stelios Payroll, everything we do is focused on giving entrepreneurs and small business owners a competitive edge. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive. 

Client Center

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